Gallery T-U-V

Jesse Tannehill

Jesse Tannehill

1903 New York AL

“Tannehill was hit freely but not consecutively.”
New York Sun, September 23, 1903
Lee Tannehill

Lee Tannehill

1903 Chicago AL

“Tannehill pulled off a brilliant double play in the sixth, stabbing Dinneen’s liner with one hand high over his head, and easily throwing Jake Stahl out before he could get back to first.”
Chicago Tribune, August 20, 1903
Jack Taylor

Jack Taylor

1904 St. Louis NL

The Giants “held a batting picnic at the expense of Jack Taylor.”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 28, 1904
Luther Taylor

Luther Taylor

1903 New York NL

Taylor “Proves Puzzling to the Champion Pittsburg Pirate Team.”
New York World, May 19, 1903
Fred Tenney

Fred Tenney

First base
1903 Boston NL

Tenney “got a triple and three singles out of five trips to the pan.”
Boston Post, June 14, 1903
Jake Thielman

Jake Thielman

1905 St. Louis NL

“It was not alone Thielman’s pitching that made such an impression yesterday, but the way he fielded his position and smashed out the ball when a hit was needed.”
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, June 5, 1905
Roy Thomas

Roy Thomas

Center field
1903 Philadelphia NL

Roy Thomas is “opposed to playing base ball on Sunday.”
Mansfield (Ohio) News, July 3, 1903
Jack Thoney

Jack Thoney

Center field and
second base
1903 Cleveland AL

Thoney “found the first ball pitched just to his liking and boosted it into the bleachers which are being erected in right field. It was a homer, of course, and ‘Kid’ was greeted with a salvo of applause as he rounded the sacks and trotted home.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 9, 1903
Joe Tinker

Joe Tinker

Shortstop and
third base
1903 Chicago NL

At third base, “Tinker made two pretty one handed stops and throws on bunt hits, getting his man both times easily.”
Chicago Tribune, September 6, 1903
Tinker was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1946.
John Titus

John Titus

Right field
1906 Philadelphia NL

The ball was “stung sharply to right. Here Titus dashed across lots and snatched the would-be three-bagger. It was a saving feat.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, July 22, 1906
Happy Townsend

Happy Townsend

1902 Washington AL

“Townsend pitched splendid ball for seven innings; but in the eighth he gave one of the most remarkable exhibitions of balloon ascensions ever seen on a ball field” as Chicago scored six runs.
Washington Times, August 23, 1902
Terry Turner

Terry Turner

1904 Cleveland AL

Turner “finds no grounder too hot to stop, throws to first like a shot and hits the ball right on the nose. He’s not a comer, he’s here.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 19, 1904
Bob Unglaub

Bob Unglaub

1904 Boston AL

Boston manager “Jimmy Collins says that Bob Unglaub, the new utility man, will prove a valuable acquisition.”
Boston Globe, August 19, 1904
George Van Haltren

George Van Haltren

Center field
1903 New York NL

Van Haltren “will strengthen and steady the outfield, and he is always dangerous when he has a bat in his hand.”
— Manager John McGraw, New York World, April 11, 1903
Bucky Veil

Bucky Veil

1903 Pittsburgh NL

“Young Veil was on the rubber and pitched excellent ball, allowing the Reds but seven hits.”
Pittsburgh Press, June 1, 1903