Gallery N-O

Tom Needham

Tom Needham

1904 Boston NL

“Needham lashed the ball on a line to the fence in left field.” He is no “sprinter, still he got to the plate in plenty of time to score a clean homer.”
Boston Globe, June 29, 1904
Simon Nicholls

Simon Nicholls

1907 Philadelphia AL

“In succession Spencer and Howell grounded to Nicholls at short, and each time did the youngster fumble.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, July 12, 1907
Art Nichols

Art Nichols

1903 St. Louis NL

“Nichols literally knocked the cover off the ball on his hit, and the ball had to be replaced by a new one.”
St. Louis Republic, May 11, 1903
Harry Niles

Harry Niles

Right field and
third base
1906 St. Louis AL

“Niles came for the plate for all he was worth. He made a magnificent slide head-first under the catcher, and the game was won by inches.”
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 2, 1906
George Nill

George Nill

1905 Washington AL

“Nill is doing some great third-basing.”
Washington Post, September 19, 1905
Jack O’Brien

Jack O’Brien

1903 Boston AL

In center field, O’Brien “made the finest catch of the day off Lajoie’s bat.”
Boston Globe, July 16, 1903
Jack O’Connor

Jack O’Connor

1903 New York AL

Catcher O’Connor “stepped away from his position behind the plate to indulge in an animated discussion with Umpire Sheridan, and while the argument was going on George Smith stole home with the winning tally for Detroit.”
New York Times, July 14, 1903
Fred Odwell

Fred Odwell

1904 Cincinnati NL

“Odwell now leads the Reds in hitting, with an average of .312, and is the best baserunner in the Red family, having stolen 24 bases in 99 games.”
Cincinnati Post, September 12, 1904
Tom O’Hara

Tom O’Hara

1907 St. Louis NL

Jones “drove a low liner out to left. O’Hara came in on the dead run and made the catch at his shoetops.”
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 5, 1907
Rube Oldring

Rube Oldring

Third base
1906 Philadelphia AL

“Oldring made a circus catch of O’Brien’s foul fly, going into the stand after it.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, August 21, 1906
Charley O’Leary

Charley O’Leary

1904 Detroit AL

Jones “lammed” the ball up the middle and “it bore the earmarks of a hit, but O’Leary grabbed the sphere on the dead run and the ball beat Jones to the first pillow by a lash. O’Leary was cheered to the echo.”
Detroit Free Press, April 25, 1904
Jack O’Neill

Jack O’Neill

1903 St. Louis NL

“The throwing of Jack O’Neill to bases was easily the feature of the Cardinals’ fielding.”
St. Louis Republic, June 15, 1903
Patsy O’Rourke

Patsy O’Rourke

1908 St. Louis NL

“O’Rourke seems to have the habit of extricating himself from the consequences of his own errors by subsequent double plays.”
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 18, 1908
Al Orth

Al Orth

Pitcher and outfield
1902 Washington AL

“Orth had a yard wide smile on exhibition, but if he had pitched half as well as he grinned, he would have come out with a victory.”
Washington Times, July 17, 1902
Fred Osborn

Fred Osborn

1907 Philadelphia NL

Osborn’s batting “was a feature of both contests, for he made five hits, neither pitcher having any terrors for him.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, September 14, 1907
Orval Overall

Orval Overall

1905 Cincinnati NL

“Overall is good now, and he is going to get better. He has everything in his favor—the physique, the brains and the habits.”
Frank Selee, Cincinnati Post, May 2, 1905
Frank Owen

Frank Owen

1903 Chicago AL

“In the early innings Owen had the batsmen stretching and groping and unable to meet the ball squarely, but toward the finish the hits—and long, wicked drives they were—fell thick as autumn leaves.”
Chicago Inter Ocean, September 19, 1903