Gallery E-F

Mal Eason

Mal Eason

1905 Brooklyn NL

Eason “was taken out after he had issued six passes, hit a man, made a balk and been hit for eight safe whacks.”
Brooklyn Standard Union, May 30, 1905
Harry Eells

Harry Eells

1906 Cleveland AL

The White Sox “won the game in the first inning by bunching hits off Eells’ wiggle ball.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 3, 1906
Kid Elberfeld

Kid Elberfeld

1902 Detroit AL

Elberfeld, the shortstop, “made some great throws, playing the field very deep all through the game.”
Detroit Free Press, June 18, 1902
Bones Ely

Bones Ely

1902 Washington AL

“The bases were filled and ‘Bones’ Ely to bat. A low one just suited him, and he cut it into short left, where it took a lucky bound over Selbach’s head to the fence.”
Washington Post, July 13, 1902
John Eubank

John Eubank

1906 Detroit AL

Eubank “pitched well for one who has had so little work, several of the hits against him being dinky infield things.”
Detroit Free Press, June 29, 1906
Johnny Evers

Johnny Evers

Second base
1903 Chicago NL

“Little Evers sauntered up and smashed the ball an awful crack out into right center.”
Chicago Tribune, June 9, 1903
Evers was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1946.
Bob Ewing

Bob Ewing

1903 Cincinnati NL

“With Long Bob Ewing at the firing line, the St. Louis Cardinals were almost as helpless as a squad of coppers using blank cartridges in a riot.”
Cincinnati Enquirer, May 4, 1903
Duke Farrell

Duke Farrell

1903 Boston AL

Farrell “threw out five men that attempted to steal second, showing that his salary wing was in apple-pie order.”
Boston Globe, April 21, 1903
Cecil Ferguson

Cecil Ferguson

1906 New York NL

“Ferguson is a right-hander with a barrel of speed. He has a wicked shoot on his fast ball.”
New York World, March 9, 1906
Hobe Ferris

Hobe Ferris

Second base
1902 Boston AL

“Ferris drove one to the extreme corner in center for a clean home run.”
Boston Globe, April 25, 1902
Patsy Flaherty

Patsy Flaherty

1904 Pittsburgh NL

Flaherty “is probably the best fielding pitcher in the league.”
Pittsburgh Press, August 28, 1904
Elmer Flick

Elmer Flick

Right field
1902 Cleveland AL

“It is seldom that Cy Young has been hit as hard as he was in this game. Six triples were made off him, two each by Flick and McCarthy.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 23, 1902
Flick was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1963.
Chick Fraser

Chick Fraser

1903 Philadelphia NL

Fraser helped Brooklyn “by his prodigality with bases on balls.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, August 4, 1903
Buck Freeman

Buck Freeman

Right field
1902 Boston AL

“Buck Freeman hit the ball in a savage manner, three doubles and one single out of five times up.”
Boston Globe, April 25, 1902
Jerry Freeman

Jerry Freeman

First base
1908 Washington AL

Jerry Freeman “is a hard hitter and is very fast on his feet for a big man.”
Washington Post, April 26, 1908
Bill Friel

Bill Friel

1902 St. Louis AL

Friel is “a real utility man, having played every infield and outfield position and worked at both ends of a battery.”
St. Louis Republic, September 29, 1902
Art Fromme

Art Fromme

1907 St. Louis NL

Fromme has the “ability to pitch overhand, sidearm or underhand, and this gives him a more puzzling assortment than the average twirler.”
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 24, 1907
Dave Fultz

Dave Fultz

Center field
1902 Philadelphia AL

“Fultz, the crack centre fielder of the American League, stole four bases during the game.”
Philadelphia Inquirer, August 9, 1902